
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week Seven: Forgive Without Punishing

Over the last several weeks, we’ve touched on a number of topics including the power of our words, choosing joy over complaint, and last week we talked about trust.  It struck me that regardless of who was leading each week, and what the topic was about, every single week, the point was made that as we spend more time with God, we grow and continue to develop in each of these areas…He begins to instill more of a desire to do things His way and we’re more tuned in to what He’s asking of us and how He wants to help us as we seek Him.  It’s an amazing privilege to be able to seek God out and spend time with Him and I love that He has a specific journey mapped out for each one of us and He’s ready and waiting for us to join Him on the path.

Forgiveness, like many of the other topics we have looked at, can be a challenging area in our lives.  But as we experience God’s forgiveness and grace in our lives and spend more and more time with Him, we can’t help but be changed and forgiveness does become easier.

Here’s what I know about forgiveness…

  • It is a choice.  It’s a decision…not a feeling and it most certainly does not always come easily.
  • Forgiveness results in freedom and joy...freedom from hurt, bitterness, anger…all that holds us captive and replaces it with His joy and love.
  • God tells us to forgive and makes a way for us to do so.
  • It is always in our best interest to choose to forgive.

We’re going to take a closer look at all of these things this week.  As we launch into this subject, what are your initial thoughts?  Are there any fears or anxieties you feel when the word forgiveness is mentioned?

Forgiveness is not always the easy choice, but we need to choose it out of obedience to our Father and when we do so, we will experience the amazing reward of true freedom and God will honor it.

~Kris Samovitz

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