Philippians 2:14 (NASB) – “Do all things without grumbling or disputing”
So we are over half way through the Eight Ways to Love series which really centers on how our verbal and nonverbal cues communicate love to others. If you want the definitive method of evaluating the way you love people just refer to 1 Corinthians 13, the “love chapter”. When I read it it seems like a wall of expectation that towers over my abilities. And so it should. It is only by the Spirit of God that we can love.
The reason I chose this topic is because it is such a struggle for me. Complaints are so readily available and take no effort to search out. What does take effort is being thankful and grateful; being someone who looks through the eyes of Jesus at all things.
Is it important to stop complaining? Well, according to the rest of the passage in Philippians, it is. In fact, it says not to grumble or dispute things at all (“Do all things without”). Here is the reason it states for ceasing our complaint with one another, "so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach amidst a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world." (v. 15)
Here is the CHALLENGE:
Join me in attempting to take note of my complaining spirit by collecting $1 for every complaint this week. What would my week look like if I simply lived without voicing complaint? Would things change around me? What will my friendships look like? My relationships with my coworkers? My marriage? What does my home look like when I cease complaining about my children's behavior? Wow!
At the end of the week, take the dollars you have collected for your complaining mouth and donate them to a charity or someone in need.
~Jaime Scharf
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